What We Believe
The Basis of our Doctrine
The Divine, Verbal, Plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. 2 Peter 1:21
Only one true God. Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 43:10
The Trinity in Unity of the Godhead. Luke 3:21-22
The Divine Personality of the Holy Spirit. John 14:16,26
The completeness and autonomy of the local Church with no other authority than Jesus Christ as its head.
The Personality of Satan. Luke 4:1-13
The Genesis account of creation.
Original Sin, the Depraved and Fallen state of Man. Romans 5:12
Salvation of the sinner by Grace alone through Faith alone in Christ’s shed blood, vicarious death and bodily Resurrection.
The Voluntary and Substitutionary Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:24
The Bodily Resurrection and Priesthood of Christ. Luke 24:39, Hebrews 7:24-27
The Resurrection of the body. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44
The Virgin Birth of Christ. Luke 1:35
The Eternal Security of the Believer. Hebrews 5:9, 9:12, John 10:27-30
Heaven is a place of eternal bliss for the redeemed. Revelation 21:4
The conscious Eternal Punishment of all who die without Gods Salvation.
Hell as a place of torment for those who die unregenerate. Luke 16:19-31
The lake of fire is the second death and final conscious abode of the lost. Revelation 20: 14-15Christ’s pre-tibulation coming to the air to rapture the Church. 1 Thessaloions 4:13-18
The pre-millennial visible return of Christ to earth as King and the Millennial reign of Christ.
Revelation 19:11-16, Revelation 20:5-6The binding character of the two ordinances given by Christ the Head of the Church, Baptism of Believers by immersion in water, representing the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ. The Lord’s Supper; Observed on the first day of every week. We welcome all that are born of God, sound in faith, and clean in their walk.
The two ordinances are for believers only. The obligation resting upon all believers to live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present evil and wicked world.To have a missionary vision and support approved missionary societies.